Checking in...

Many thanks to all who have checked on me! I'm doing much better now, thanks. Fever's been gone a few days and (knock on wood) I think I'm down to just the occasional coughing bout. Whew. (Course the single digit temperatures and incredibly dry air aren't helping you hear that, Mother Nature?) ;)
Aside from all that, just a few random thoughts from my sleep deprived mind:
- I'm pretty sure that the Monday Night Football game this week (between the Seahawks and the Saints) was a little birthday gift for my dad, who would have been 64 on Monday and was a staunch Seahawks fan. ;)
- Incessant coughing = headache. Bleh. (Better today but still worth complaining about, lol.)
- Neighbors rock...particularly neighbors who have snow blowers and are kind enough to clear your portion of the sidewalk also.
- I was randomly surfing online late at night over the break and scored an awesome deal on dvd sets of seasons 1-6 of The Big Bang Theory. Feeling giddy. (Thanks to Netflix for introducing me to the show...which is a lovely little distraction when you need a distraction.)
Okay. Need to go get back to afternoon schoolwork now. :) (Ha, don't think the boys will agree with me but there's another benefit of doesn't have to stop just because the teacher is sick, lol.)

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