Things that happened on Monday...

1. Our new heating and AC system got installed. Yay? ;) (Very thankful for the AC, just not thrilled with the unexpected expense, lol.)
2. The boys had their last day of Options for this year. They were stoked, primarily because it meant they got pizza for lunch, lol. At the end of the year awards, they did pretty well and are pleased with themselves:
- got a certificate of recognition for his participation in the Stock Market Game through his Ameritowne class;
- received a certificate for accomplishment in his chimes class;
- earned a National Physical Fitness Award for his performance in the five testing areas (this is a national have to score at that level in all five areas to earn it, so he got to the "national" level in all five areas--mile run, shuttle run, sit ups, push ups and v-sit and reach...the three levels are Participant, National and Presidential)...he got National last year, too, so was happy; and,
- won first place in his Investigative Science class science fair. (Yes, he recycled his project from our NCHA science fair. But, he had to add all sorts of "structure" to it, and the boy puts together a mean trifold board...he's, um, anal like that. ;) He was worried that his oral presentation was lacking since he refused to write out a script ahead of time, but he truly knew his material.)
- received a certificate for accomplishment in his chimes class (he and Noah are in the same class);
- received a certificate for accomplishment in his keyboarding (piano) class;
- earned a special music achievement award for outstanding attitude across all of his music teacher's music classes (keyboarding, chimes and handbells);
- earned a Participant level for the Physical Fitness awards (if not for the sit ups, he'd have had a National, but that's fine); and,
- won second place in that same science fair! (The science fair, btw, followed a pretty standard format with weight being given to different aspects, like the oral presentation (which Asher *did* prepare for), the research paper, the presentation board, etc. There were, I believe, five judges overall for the couple dozen projects.)
- earned himself one of only two Presidential Physical Fitness awards out of the entire student body (100ish kids?) (In all fairness, he's the only six year old who tested since they don't generally start until second grade but Micah was in the 2-3rd grade PE class so just went along with them...and, we're pretty sure that whomever his partner was who kept track of his time in the mile run was, um, generous, lol...but, hey, he's super thrilled.) ;)
3. We handed out all our end of the year teacher gifts. (Check 'em out...I'm rather proud of myself.)
4. Then we headed to the park with a bunch of friends from Options and let the kids run and play for a couple hours. Whew. ;)

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