A happy Mother's Day!

Hope everyone's been having a lovely Mother's Day...whether you're a mother, are celebrating your mother or are just feeling motherly. ;) Mine's been pretty darn lovely:
(Sorry, btw, I'm not going to explain in the same order as the pictures. You can figure it out, though.)
It started with being instructed to sleep in. I had to be instructed because I generally wake up an hour or two earlier than everyone else. :) (I couldn't handle staying in bed, though, and ended up surfing the web on Nathan's iPad and then sorting through my closet, lol.)
I was then "surprised" by my sweet Micah bringing me some Jammy Scones and tea that he and Nathan had been up early making. Micah learned the recipe in his cooking class and they were delicious! Micah then also presented me with his card (the one on the far right in the picture of the cards) and a black paracord keyfob that he'd made.
After that, Nathan gave me my new awesome Darth Vader purse (that I've already received compliments on!) along with a nifty wine bottle opener thing, some Star Wars earrings and a bag of beef jerky. (I LOVE beef jerky. He knows me so well, lol.)
Around this time, the other boys woke up finally and gifted me with their cards (Noah's is the bullseye). Noah also made me a paracord bracelet that ended up matching my outfit for the day quite well. :)
We then took a few pictures in the back yard and headed out to shop for a new dishwasher. Because, ya know, having finally scheduled the HVAC system replacement for early next week, the house figured we needed another reminder about the joys of home ownership...hence our dishwasher finally started pleading with us to let it die in the last few days. Fun times. ;) (Btw, bleh...shopping for a dishwasher is *definitely* not as much fun as shopping for new shoes, lol. Then again, I do enjoy clean dishes.)
So. Now we're enjoying a lazy evening at home...happy sigh. ;)

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