Quick update on the PSA situation...

So. Asher's still mostly fine after his crash on Saturday. But. Late last night we had the sudden (belated) realization that perhaps he'd broken his collar bone. It would figure, right? He had all the classic symptoms once we thought about it. (For a kid who's constantly on the move, the fact that he's asked to just sit on the couch pretty much since he crashed speaks volumes as to how much it still hurts.) And it would be in keeping with Asher's luck.
Given that, we opted to keep him home from Options today and got him in to be seen at our pediatrician's, who examined him and ordered an x-ray. Took him to get the x-ray. (Asher's going to glow soon, btw...kid's had x-rays at least six times now plus a CT scan or two, not counting all the x-rays at the dentist and orthodontist.) Turns out, whew, no break. Apparently, it's a sort of deep bone bruise on his humorous right where it joins up with the shoulder, which hurts any time he moves his arm...which explains why he's still refusing to move his arm 48 hours later.
Hence, we're back to using that sling he used a year ago...and have decided that Asher should always have a shirt or two that buttons all the way up the front (after struggling to get his shirt on and off over his head at the doctor's office). Hopefully, the bruising pain will subside by week's end. Keep your fingers crossed for us, okay? :)
Reader Comments (1)
Aww, big hugs to the little buddy.