
Well, no one got it completely right. ;) Here are the answers:
1. I'm anal and must drink my tea from the same side of the glass every time. TRUE. Don't laugh. ;)
2. I shot my new bow for the first time on Friday. TRUE. Considering it was only about the fourth time I've ever shot with a bow (and the very first time with *this* bow and release set up (which is different than the other times I've shot)), I think I did pretty well. Noah did a good job of coaching me.
3. Noah has decided (finally) to move to the black team on swim team. (They have red team and black team is the more advanced.) TRUE. The coaches actually told him he could be on the black team back in September...then even sent him a personal letter inviting him to the black team in December/January. But. Noah stubbornly refused. His reason? Teenagers. Apparently, he didn't want to be a team with teens, lol. I guess the younger kids have finally gotten to him enough that he's decided he's willing to put up with teenagers, though. ;)
4. Grimace is purple. TRUE. Though I have no idea why and it's honestly been on my mind lately. Weird but true.
5. I am one of the lucky 5% whose student loan debt is greater than $75,000. TRUE. Bummer. Let's not talk about the fact that I'm actually one of those top 1% of folks...
6. Asher misinterpreted song lyrics on Friday and sang to us all about a "monkey in love" and had us busting up so much that Noah spewed his drink. FALSE. Asher did, indeed, misinterpret the lyrics to Lucky but no one spewed anything. ;) It was hilarious, though. Asher totally thought he was singing it right.
7. About two weeks ago, I lost Micah. TRUE. More on that in a post to come. Let's just say that certain six year olds have had a number of lectures lately...
8. The whole first cousins, second cousins, first cousins once removed thing confuses me. I've had numerous people explain it to me and I still can't keep it straight. TRUE. Bleh.
9. I finally found a pair of sunglasses that fits! TRUE. And it was miraculous. Seriously. I've been looking for a pair that fit since I switched to contacts back in September. Apparently, people with nice flat Asian faces are not the prime sunglasses demographic or something. Since it's been pretty sunny during my morning runs lately, though, it was lovely to find some.
10. We turned our outside water on for the year over the weekend. TRUE. And Asher and Micah ended up, of course, completely soaked (this was *after* running through each and every sprinkler):
11. A fox crossed the sidewalk just in front of me during my run this morning. FALSE. Had a nice run in the gorgeous weather but didn't see any foxes yesterday morning. ;) I did think that I heard something in the bushes at one point, but didn't see anything. I have, though, seen foxes other mornings...just not yesterday.
12. We're now on book three in the Percy Jackson series (and the boys are loving learning all about the Greek mythology). (I'm just glad that it's encouraging them to read more books, lol.) TRUE. And it's actually keeping me from getting other things on my to do list accomplished. Oh well. :)
Ta da! :) Now you know...

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