Random thoughts...

Am I the only one who's paranoid about geese flying overhead? After all the goose poop on the road and sidewalk that I dodge while running, I figure being caught under a flock of them is potentially pretty bad. (Yes, this is one of those weird things I think about while I'm out running...)
Is it wrong that I "trick" the boys into doing spelling when I give them a custom word search with their spelling words?
Why doesn't someone come up with a better way to bag flour? Seriously. Opening those suckers up and trying to transfer the flour to a canister is ridiculous. I can't be the only person to complain about this, right?
Awhile back, Nathan was making me some eggs and hurriedly called me over to see the map of the US that he'd created:
Eerie, don't you think?
That was all. Suppose I'll admit that I'm procrastinating now and head back to working on stuff for the science fair... ;)

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