Six foods & a blow torch

Guess what we did over the weekend...
(The pic on the far left is a slice of cheddar cheese. On the far right...being boys, they all ended up burning things in the backyard, lol.)
Yeah. We do potentially questionable things in the name of science. ;) You see, our fourth annual NCHA science fair is coming up. For his project, Micah (who's been so loving his weekly cooking class at Options) decided he wanted to learn to make creme brulee...mostly so he could use a blow torch. Being as I love creme brulee but so rarely have any, I was in favor of this particular project. ;)
For the project, itself, we ended up using our new propane blow torch from the hardware store (no little baking torches for us, no siree, lol) on six different foods and Micah tasted them both before and after to see how being burned changed the flavor. Not really the most scientifically sound experiment or anything. But, hey, he's six...Nathan got to buy a blow torch...and I got creme brulee. ;) Everyone wins!
(More on Noah and Asher's projects later...I don't have any pictures of the prep work that happened over the weekend...)

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