Free-for-all Friday.

- Sometimes, while the boys are at Options, Nathan and I go out to breakfast. ;) Recently, we tried out a new place (Doug's Day Diner over by Council Tree Library for you local folks) and they had HUGE breakfast as big as Nathan's head. That one burrito fed Nathan for three meals, lol. That big mug on the left? Coffee. Yup, two thumbs up.
- Love that my niece seriously loves the boys. She hugs Noah every time she sees him. ;)
- How does Micah get the ice cream all over his face still? The answer...he eats from the opposite side of the cone. I don't know why.
- Wednesday, while Noah was at his third Ameritowne day, I got to enjoy some time to myself and the glorious Colorado sunshine. It rocked. I leisurely wandered IKEA and then REI and got a drink there and sat outside by the river. Bliss.
- Wednesday night, during our dinner out to celebrate 20 years of knowing each other, I finally had a chance to wear my fun black patent leather heels that I picked up on sale for like $3 at the end of the summer. :)
- And, since it was Pi Day, we had apple pie. Because you should. :)

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