February 14

1. Happy Valentine's Day (a little bit late but sincere nonetheless). :) We don't really celebrate it here lately...as my boys have decided that pink and hearts and all are for girls and think that exchanging Valentines is ridiculous. Sigh. It's okay. I'm not huge on pink and hearts and all, myself, anyhow. I have, though, done my duty and reminded the boys that they may some day need to actually remember and celebrate Valentine's Day for the sake of a girl who might like that. ;)
2. My morning today started off with a decent run. (Yay, me!) I'm done with winter, though. My run on Sunday was freakin' freezing...coldest I can remember being in ages. (It was about 8 degrees and moist enough that my eyelashes were freezing.)
3. So. I ordered a new headband to keep my ears warm (a different color of the one I already have and love). I figure that doing so will set spring in motion so that the headband is rendered unnecessary, right? (Using this same reasoning, I'm refusing to wash the van because then it will snow again, lol.)
4. The rest of my morning wasn't great. Noah and I had words (argh...the beginnings of preteen angst...awesome) over my assignment to him for the morning. This ended in assigning him even more work, giving him a lovely lecture and eventually (finally) moving on. Meanwhile, I worked on math with Asher. By itself, this was fine and Asher was good. I just find teaching math to Asher more difficult than many things. It's got to do with very different learning styles and is something I'm aware of and able to deal with...just more frustrating some days than others. Sigh.
5. On a related note, does anyone have any recommendations for math curricula beyond 6th grade? The program we've been using for ages only goes through sixth, and Noah will finish that this spring. (Well, okay, the brand, itself, goes beyond 6th, but is a different program...I'll definitely be looking into that, but am still delighted to hear any suggestions.)
6. Yesterday, btw, the boys celebrated Valentines Day at Options. The Student Council made bags for everyone. The boys found this all silly. It didn't stop them, though, from enjoying the candy. ;) They refused to write out any individual Valentines or sign their names to anything, but I brought them a big bag of suckers to distribute among all the bags. Apparently, they put a few handfuls (definitely more than a dozen) in their PE teacher's bag...because they love her and because (in Noah's own words) "she's eating for two." ;) (She's due in about a month, lol.)
7. Fortunately, the afternoon went better than the morning (homeschool-wise). We did Latin, spelling, US geography and US history. (Loving this book. We've already read two others by the same author. Highly recommended!) All good...then we headed out to swim team and karate. :)
8. While Asher was at karate, I returned a purse that I bought earlier this week. I loved it. I *want* to be a smaller, cuter purse type of person. I do. Apparently, though, I am just not that person. I'm a large purse toting sort. I need to have all my "stuff" with me. Fine.
9. Oh. In my reorganization and all, I need to find a new way to store all my gift wrap materials. Any ideas?
10. And, dear husband of mine who commented on my last post, might I remind you that at least a few of those boxes still in the storage room are your own boxes of memorabilia and papers...a couple of which you lugged home from WA last summer to add to the pile? ;)
Reader Comments (1)
I use a large wastebasket and stand rolls of gift wrap upright in it.