I need a nudge.

So. One of our goals for 2012 is to clean out our storage room. Completely, if possible. Here's what it currently looks like, though:
Yes. Really. It's gonna take a bit. ;) (Our apologies to my lovely father in law who once upon a time graciously helped me clean out and organize that room so nicely. It was mostly good until the last few months. Honest!)
We're tackling it in stages. The stages are complicated and involve lots of shuffling of stuff from the upstairs storage room, down the 27 steps to the basement, and back up again. ;) Right now, we're in the middle of redoing one of the basement closets to accommodate as much of the stuff from the storage closet as possible (that storage closet pictured on the left...with at least 25 of those boxes packed in there).
First, we had to empty that basement closet of the gazillion games that were inside (sorry, neglected to take a picture)...which left us with this:
Yes, it's nice that there are shelves inside and all. But. They're really quite inefficient. They're only half as deep as the closet and are an odd size, such that I couldn't fit any boxes in there well. Bleh.
So. We took that dealio out and Nathan installed some nice basic shelves:
Since then, I've been sorting and purging and reorganizing all the stuff in those boxes into new, longer boxes. I'm *almost* done and have *almost* managed to consolidate those 25 boxes into about 10. (I'll take a picture soon!)
But. Don't laugh. I'm a packrat. For all that I take pride in how much I've purged in the last couple years, I somehow still have pretty much every paper I've ever written. Literally. Okay, not from grade school. But I have binders and binders full of papers from middle school, high school, undergrad and graduate school.
PLEASE. Someone. Tell me that I can toss these. I need a nudge. ;)

Reader Comments (2)
Toss 'em.
Don't toss the Warriner ones...I hear they could fetch a heavy price if sold to the right student of hers for next year :-)