JOAD update

Just quickly...last Sunday we had another JOAD tournament. It was in Denver again and we ended up split up again. Noah shot in the morning and set a new personal best of 268 (a 45 point improvement over his previous best which was set last March) and was floating (well, as "floating" as a stoic twelve year old can be, lol). ;) His new personal best also just happens to "best" Micah's current personal best of 267, making it all the sweeter, of course. Unfortunately, his division happens to be the largest and chances of actually placing are slim right now. He's hoping to improve his odds after Christmas, as his wish list consists almost entirely of new archery gear. ;)
Micah shot in the afternoon and again took first (this time with a trophy instead of just a medal so he was stoked), though he didn't set a new personal best. He did, though, shoot at a three spot target for the first time and took solace in the fact that his total score (for two rounds) topped Noah's still (though only by four points).
And that was our Sunday (from a bit before 7 am to just after 7 pm)...

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