Mythbusters Live!

So. On of our new things to TRY this past week was all about focusing on experiences instead of stuff. For Christmas, instead of yet more Legos, Nathan and I got the boys (and us) tickets to Mythbusters Live at the Budweiser Event Center. (The boys have LOVED Mythbusters for years and have watched pretty much every episode from all ten seasons.) The show was Thursday night. It was awesome! Here are the boys next to our seats just before the show started:
We had pretty good seats right on the floor...could see Adam and Jamie like this:
We watched as they involved audience members in fun experiments, answered audience questions and shared behind-the-scenes stories. Stuff like this:
Yup. Had a blast! (Micah declared it better than The Nutcracker and the Ringling Bros/Barnum & Bailey Circus combined, you know it must have been fabulous, because he loved both those other things plenty!)
Reader Comments (1)
that's awesome!