Quote #36.

Happy Labor Day!
The secret to getting ahead is getting started. –Mark Twain
We’re starting our homeschooling year tomorrow, having taken much of August off. As I sit here today, though, I know that actually starting is often the most difficult part for me. I like to over-think things and ponder and second guess…to spend significant time worrying over whether the schedule I’ve planned will work and whether or not the curriculum I picked is the right fit and how I should go about organizing it all. I know myself well enough to know that I happen to love the planning portion of things. If outside forces don’t push me to move on, I’ll stay in that comfort zone of organizing longer than necessary almost every time.
But. As I said, we’re starting our homeschooling year tomorrow. I realized this morning that this will be the seventh fall that I’ve officially started a new year of homeschooling. (Woohoo! I feel like I might finally be getting the hang of this, lol!) And. I know, despite my own desire to keep organizing for another week or two, that getting started is the thing to do. I know that once I get going things will fall into place. They may not always fall where I want them to, but (like Newton said) an object in motion will remain in motion and all that. Because often times the very things I’m worrying about will work themselves out better when I’m in the midst of things…will work themselves out in ways I couldn’t even think of back in the planning stage.
So. Tomorrow we break out the new year. I’m stoked. Even though I love the “back to school” planning portion of things greatly, I’m excited about all the potential. :)
Here's to the 2011-12 school year!

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