Back to School Lists.

Generally, at the start of each year, as I'm planning out what I want to try to cover with the boys, I ask them what they'd like to learn in the coming year. I make a list and keep it in my planner. This year, I still asked the boys and made my list. But. I'm also making a new one. A list of goals.
Inspired by this post and by my own feelings of late that I need to shift my focus from "what material to cover" to "what needs to meet," I started my own list of goals for the year. I grabbed a sheet of paper and started jotting down my random thoughts about each boy, about all three together, and about myself.
Some of the things that made the lists for the boys (some are individual, some are for all three):
- Learn to use scissors with more control
- Work on empathy
- Enjoy being six (instead of trying so dang hard to grow up, lol)
- Learn to ride a bike without training wheels
- Work on self-motivation
- Read more
- Learn basic first aid
- Work on agreeing to disagree
On my own list, I found things like limiting my time online, making time each day for some dedicated one-on-one time with each boy (no matter how short), reading together more frequently, and more deliberately focusing on effort rather than outcome.
Whether you're a homeschooler or not, I highly recommend this exercise! Lists in hand, I'm feeling so darn excited about the coming year and the world of possibilities. Bring it on!

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