Random things on Thursday.

1. Got these awesome Ormolu goodies in my mail yesterday:
Soooo looking forward to diving in and starting some Creative Team projects! Obviously, if you've never bought stuff from Ormolu before, you don't know what you're missing...go check it out!
2. If you run, have you heard about the One Good Earbud? I love mine...such a dandy product. (I love, too, when I have a "problem" and go searching for an answer and discover that the solution actually exists!)
3. I love the saying on this shirt. I'm amazed to say that I'll be finishing the Couch to 5K running program this week and this top has actually come to be a truth. :)
4. Did you know that yesterday was National Running Day? Cool.
5. Have you seen the show Psych? I recently became addicted via Netflix. It's like a kooky Encyclopedia Brown for adults. Seriously fun. Season 5 came out on dvd earlier this week. I'll have disc 1 (via Netflix) in my hot little hands later today. ;)
6. I'm thinking I need this camera strap.
I guess that was it. :) Don't worry. I haven't forgotten about the curriculum reviews. I just got side-tracked with preliminary planning for next year and adjusting to the summer's schedule. ;) More soon. Honest!

Reader Comments (3)
Of course I catch up with you and LOVE that you're doing Couch to 5K! I've totally done it in the past and need to get back on that bandwagon. Thanks for the motivation! Congratulations on the big finish!
Oh - PS...I'm a HUGE Psych fan! So glad you've found it. I honestly think it's gotten funnier as the seasons progress.
I love Psych too!