First half of May...

Yes. Behind as usual. ;) Here are some of the many things that have happened thus far in May around here:
1. I finished the 50 circles on my habit tin! I'd originally figured I'd finish around my birthday, but managed to do it in a month less (since I've been averaging 5 times a week instead of 3). Yay, me!
2. We finally turned the outdoor water back on...which led to this:
3. My lovely in-laws came to visit for a week (which started with the gorgeous and warm weather of the water fights). We spent plenty of time that initial weekend outdoors and celebrated Mother's Day casually:
4. The boys had their spring program at Options. All three sang, Noah and Micah had artwork on display and Asher played the chimes.
5. My in-laws and I took the boys miniature golfing. It's lovely to have the place almost entirely to of the perks of homeschooling and, thus, being able to go at 10:30 in the morning on a Tuesday. :)
6. The boys wrapped up their archery session. They loved it so very much (and weren't alone in this sentiment) that another session was arranged. They'll start back up in a couple weeks for another six week session and are stoked.
7. We all visited the Denver Mint and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science (amid a downpour and a definite drop in temperature). It was our first time taking the tour at the Mint, and the boys seemed to love it. They've watched shows about the making of coins and paper money and have been to the money museum in Colorado Springs, and are in awe of the process. At the Denver Museum, we also experienced their temporary Real Pirates exhibit...awesome!
8. Nathan and I managed a day to ourselves while his parents took the boys bowling and did other "grandparenty" stuff. ;)
9. We said farewell to John & Nancy and thanked them for a fabulous week of pinochle, great meals and plenty of "grandparent time."
10. On Monday, the boys had their last day of the Options school year and earned awards aplenty. Micah graduated officially from kindergarten:
Micah's second from the right looking grumpy about it all. ;) He also got a reading award from his first grade reading teacher. Asher got a similar award from his reading teacher (the same teacher) as well as one for science. He also received certificates for chimes and PE. Noah was very proud to have earned a National award in PE. (There are three levels...participant (which Asher earned), National and Presidential. Noah scored in the Presidential levels for all of the events except one so is hoping to improve on that for next year so he can get a Presidential award. Awards are determined by a student's lowest being things like the mile run, curl ups, push ups, sit-and-reach, shuttle run, etc.)
11. Yesterday, the boys and I joined our homeschool group for the annual Water Festival at CSU. Despite the drizzly weather and cold temps, the boys enjoyed acting out the weather in Colorado and seeing the mad scientist.
12. All three boys had a routine dentist appointment cavities! Hooray! They also finished up this session of swim lessons and are looking forward to the next session. (Thankfully, Micah's initial insistence that he would only put up with the *one* session has changed to enthusiasm overall for swimming!)
And that, in a nutshell, is what's been happening around here (not counting our regular karate and homeschool stuff). We're taking this week to try to get back on track and I'll be starting some curriculum reviews before long as I'm beginning to plan out our next academic year. :)

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