
By the way, soccer season is officially underway. Though we started practices a couple weeks ago, Saturday was the first day of games. Micah's was first on our agenda. He's now playing 6 kids per side on a bigger field and seems to have really progressed from his delight in just laughing his way around the field without regard to where the ball was. ;) Yup, he actually got right in there and went after the ball and is even trying to show off some moves his big brothers taught him over the summer. ;) Here's his team before the game started:
That's Micah with the yellow ball. It's an all new team for him...8 new boys. He's thoroughly happy. :)
After a break for an early lunch, we headed to Asher's game (much less overlap, thank goodness, with just two boys playing soccer this fall!). Asher's team is much more familiar to us...we've played with this coach and most of these boys before. :) Ash's team didn't fare quite as well as Micah's for this first game, but they played well and had fun. :) Here's Asher:
Yes, he's just that much smaller than most of the other boys, lol. Doesn't seem to stop him in the least, though. Fortunately, soccer is one of the few team sports where size isn't nearly as relevant. ;)
So. Whew. One soccer weekend down, seven to go (not counting the fall tournament if Asher's team opts to participate). ;)
(And, in case you were wondering, Noah opted not to do soccer this season. It's complicated. Regardless, he thinks he'll play again next spring. We'll see. ;) In the meantime, he's been very much enjoying taking some one-on-one bike rides with either Nathan or me in our efforts to keep him active (and not totally wired for lack of a physical release)...and as a benefit to ourselves as well, lol.)

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