Quick Micah funny...

Lest you think that the kid has stopped being hilarious...thought I'd share this little story from earlier today. First, let me remind you about the "place game" that we play as a family...a simple way to pass the time and sneak in a little geography. ;) Well, given that Micah's only just 5 and all, we make allowances for him to make up a few of his own places for the sake of the game. One that he's kept coming back to time and again...Dingdongia. Yes. Really.
Anyhow. Today we somehow got onto the topic of "if I opened a restaurant..." and Micah's, obviously, was going to be called "Dingdongia." What will Dingdongia serve, you ask? Well, he says...cheeseburgers, ding dongs, ice cream, mac & cheese...and a number of his other favorite foods that he went on to list. After learning from Noah what a slogan is (Noah, meanwhile, was talking up his own "Tacomania" where the slogan would be either "Mmmm...tacos!" or "We love tacos. You should, too."), Micah decided his would be "a ding dong with every meal!" Yup, ding dongs as the side item instead of fries. That's what he said.
Doesn't it make you want to go buy a box of ding dongs right now? ;)
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