Over the weekend...

(First, yes, Asher is a really light eight year old. ;) He's always been the lightest of my three. And, yes, I cut his hair this weekend...it's not your imagination that the pictures from when he broke his arm and when he had his cast look different, lol.)
So. Now that we're back to focusing on the holiday season and not on the repair of broken limbs, lol...Saturday we ventured over to Greeley to the Centennial Village museum for their holiday KidFest. (We've been once before, but the younger two don't remember it.) It was *windy*...and, thus, cold. :) Though it's been unseasonably warm around here this winter, Saturday's weather chose to be downright chilly. We broke out the winter coats (for the first time this year) and were glad for it. (Today, if you were wondering, was sunny and near 60. I was in a tee shirt and perfectly comfortable. Go figure.)
Anyhow, once there, we visited the blacksmith shop to watch the production of "reindeer shoes" (miniature horseshoes that they were making and then handing out to the kids) and then walked to visit the cowboy Santa in the log courthouse...
After sharing their lists, we continued walking around the historical buildings and Noah discovered what fun it was to hold Asher's empty sleeve:
(We'd thought that the new vest plus hat would be enough but ended up adding the winter coat as well, so Asher was a bit warmer than the rest of us...though he did look a bit odd, lol.) Beyond the building exhibits, we also got to dip taper candles:
Do you see the ghost of Rattlesnake Kate? ;) Yeah. I totally didn't notice that till I was editing photos at home. Apparently there was some story that went along with her and the building we were in, but I missed that. The "ghost" is a cardboard cut-out thing. Looks cool, though. ;) The boys enjoyed making candles (and I appreciated the fact that we were inside a building and not outside in the wind). After a little more wandering, we sat inside the trolley for another wind-break and a few pictures:
And then...we decided we were cold enough. :)
After all that, we stopped for some lunch, picked up our weekly milk at the dairy and then went in search of our Christmas tree for the year...opted for a Subalpine Fir this year (we tend to go back and forth between those and Lodgepole Pines).
Sunday we decided to get festive and bought some new LED snowflake icicle lights which Nathan and Noah proceeded to put up:
It took awhile, but we're happy. :) I love how much joy and wonder simple lights can bring to the boys. (And wish the layout of our house made for easier outdoor light decor situations, lol.)
Once inside and thawed out a bit, we also finished our indoor decorations. The boys started on their miniature trees and their handmade ornaments from the past few years. Lacking other ideas on where to put them, we stuck them on top of the armoire:
...and then finished off our main Christmas tree:
Do you see the little imp at the foot of the tree? ;) Here he is again:
Now if that doesn't get you in the holiday spirit, I don't know what will. ;) Off to the boys' winter program now...

Reader Comments (2)
Everything looks lovely! Can hardly wait to see it all in person!
great pictures!