January MBM challenge is up!

Just wanted to let everyone know that the January MBM challenge is now going on! Check out the online article here (there's another sneak peek at a layout in the book) and then go to the most recent post at my MBM Scrapbooking group at CK for more details, okay? Thanks and happy day to you all!
ETA: Sorry. I lose track of where I post what sometimes. :) MBM is short for "Month By Month"...as in, my book. Hee hee.

Reader Comments (4)
I must be way out of the loop.....what is MBM? Sorry, I'm sure that it's a silly question...
Love the MBM inspiration Amanda!!! Thanks so much!!!
I just got my book today....finally! My husband ordered it weeks ago as a Christmas present. It's awesome. Thanks!
With the Christmas season I tried really hard not to buy myself any presents...so imagine my glee when the Fed Ex box arrived from Rene with your book! What with your sweet message to me in the cover and all of your lovely handiwork inside it SO took me back to opening the cover of our "Out Of No Where" yearbook all those month-by-months ago :) Way to go Amanda...I'm so proud of you!