
Well, actually, I think we're all winners in that we've found (hopefully) some new ways to combat the dreaded mosquito. :) I'm totally going to try some of these. Oh, and not to discount the recommendation at all but I have to mention that I've tried Skin So Soft before. My mom was an Avon rep part of the time while I was growing up. She tried it on all of us. To my recollection, it worked on my youngest three siblings but my brother and I seemed to attract the darned mosquitoes even more when we used the Skin So Soft. Go figure, eh?
In any case, the winner of my giveaway, by random draw, is JOY! (who posted about the tobacco leaves) Joy, please email me and I'll get a fun prize out to you shortly!
Thanks to all!! (And feel free to email me with any more tricks if you come across them!)

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