Yes, I know I should let it go...(giveaway!)

...but I have to reiterate how much I hate mosquitoes. :) Noah's soccer practices (twice a week) are just swarming (I think there's a canal nearby or something) and I don't think I'll survive the next eight weeks like this. Last night, I wore long corduroy pants and a sweatshirt in attempts to protect myself. Fortunately, the weather had cooled off enough that this wasn't too bad, though I would probably have been comfortable (temperature-wise) in just shorts and a tee. I hate using the spray stuff, smells bad and I always feel like I need to shower afterward, know what I mean?
It's not just me, btw. I've talked to at least three other people in the last couple days who are having similar issues. We all agree that someone needs to make a pill that people can take to change their body chemistry to make them not appealing to mosquitoes. Seriously.
So. I know someone mentioned vitamin B and others have told me that garlic helps (I need more details, though!). Tell me, folks, what are your mosquito repelling tricks? I'm desperate here and will give away a gift just for the sake of ideas! Please share your thoughts/tricks in the comments...any and all are welcome! Oooh. And I'll take tips on how to decrease the stupid itching after the fact, too! One tip per comment (so if you have lots of ideas, you'll have better odds of winning), and I'll draw a name Saturday night and send the lucky winner a little something.

Reader Comments (18)
I've heard that you can rub a dryer sheet on you or stick it in your pocket and that apparently helps repel them. I've never tried it though, but it's worth a shot.
For the itch I use Cortizone spray. It's called Cortaid. I like the spray because it doesn't spread the itch around. Here's a link.
I use the spray on Jane and Kate too,
The juice from the garlic is to be rubbed over your exposed skin.
Or you could use Vicks Vapor Rub if you don't want to smell like garlic.
boy, is this the right questions for me. i live in mosquito-ville! (and they like me the BEST). for the itch- "afterbite." it's made by a company here in New Hampshire. it may sting a bit, but the itch is GONE afterwards.
and of course, there's nothing like clear Caladryl gel. Benadryl in a topical gel!
Skin So Soft - really works to keep the skeeters and no-see-ums away. It was an old stand-by during my old camp days.
To decrease itching after the fact - use Aveeno lotion (or even better - take a bath in Aveeno). It really helps and also leaves your skin oh-so-smooth afterwards.
We've always used Avon's Skin SO Soft Bug Guard PLUS IR3535. It's can be used by kids and also has sunscreen. You can even order it online or through an Avon rep.
I can't help scare away the bugs, but one of the old mountain remedies around here for stopping the itch is tobacco leaves. It really works... I had a horrible wasp sting and my husband borrowed a cigarette from some one, broke it open and wet the tobacco that was inside and applied to the sting...the stinging and itching stopped immediately. Apparently there is some sort of antihistamine property in the leaves? I was totally skeptical...but now I've used it multiple times, especially while camping. It is kinda funny to explain to our friends why there is one lone cigarette in the first aid box, of all places! (Particularly since we don't smoke!) I too am cursed with mosquito attracting properties. I guess we're just sweet?
avon has the best stuff we've tried! it doesn't stink!! and it has sunscreen in it too...which is great when you're trying to wrestle little ones! :)
I think you've done the world a great service here. Now everyone who reads your blog (and that should be EVERYONE!) knows about repellent and anti-itch treatments.
Avoid wearing floral scents at all. I'm not just talking perfumes and such...I mean make sure your deodorant, body wash, soap, shampoo...all of it...does not smell like flowers - they really like that!
Oh! And wear simple colors like black and white and denims and such. Brights and busy prints will attract them.
I can't help you much, but I wanted to say I hear ya! I am the ONLY one in my family who gets attacked by mosquitoes endlessly. I always get eaten alive - spray or no spray- and they come away home free. I have heard sometimes there is something in certain types of makeup that attracts them, so maybe that will help you! Good luck!
As a kid, my mother always used her thumb nail and made an "X" with it over the bite. Push your nail in far enough to leave a visible "X" right through the center of the bite. I still use this to this day-nothing to buy, you always have a fingernail and it really works!!
Avon's Skin So Soft to keep bugs away. Desitin for itchy bites. Wear light colors and long sleeves and pants.
I always get bitten no matter what I use, no help there. I use Gold Bond anti-itch cream. Works wonders. It cools and is thick and creamy which is great because I usually need to smear a whole section of my ankle or wrist at a time, sigh. The fingernail X only keeps me from scratching for a little while and I will HAVE to try the tobacco leaves thing - Thank you (now, who do I know who smokes?).