"Eats Eye!"

Take a wild guess what Micah was trying to say when he kept repeating to us, "Eats Eye!" with huge enthusiasm. Yeah, you probably won't guess. We didn't. Noah, fortunately, took pity on us and explained that Micah was saying "More than meets the eye!" (which Micah promptly confirmed). Ah the joys of toddler translation. ;) (Actually, Micah's gotten much clearer and more specific this past month...amazingly so!)
I know I owe you that February Album in a Year layout...it's coming. I flew out to Utah Friday for a meeting at the CK offices (loved seeing everyone again!)...had a nice visit there, was blessed to meet some awesome ladies at lunch (pictures forthcoming...bad scrapper that I am, I didn't take my camera with me but have promises that copies will be sent to me, lol), and then got a tour of the Prism Papers offices (way cool, btw...got to see where they package and cut all the paper and everything!) before flying back home. So, today (technically yesterday I suppose being as I'm writing this post way early Sunday morning) was spent doing laundry and vacuuming and catching up. Will scrap tomorrow. :)

Reader Comments (2)
sounds like a whirlwind trip, but those are so much fun! would you let me know if it's ok to link your blog to mine? please? :)
favorited this one, guy