Pictures as promised...and other stuff...

To elaborate on my cool lunch on together at this cool little tea/vintage shop/cafe place (very cool stuff...totally not a place I'd normally go, particularly with all three boys in tow *laugh*). Candice invited me along and I got to meet these awesome ladies:
In the front (kinda squatting) are: me, Loni, & Sara Trumpane (who was visiting from out of town also). In the back are: Jessi, Layle, Sandi (whose blog I swiped this pic from) and Candice.
Here's another of Jessi and I just before we all parted ways:
Don't you just love her hat? (And, dude, I'm kicking myself now for not caving and buying a necklace like hers while we were at that shop!) I know there are a few more pics floating around out there somewhere... :)
I was tricked into taking a pic with the gals at Prism while I was there also...should show up on the Prism blog sometime. Totally not saying they *made* me do it or anything, just that it was the end of a long day and I'm sure I'm not looking my best. ;)
Totally unrelated...the boys and I just got finished reading our first "Choose your own adventure" book! Do you remember these? I loved them growing up and remember reading tons of them. Spotted one in a bookstore last month and finally got around to reading it with the boys today! They think they're pretty cool, we'll be on the lookout for more obviously.
Speaking of books, I've been a slacker. I joined up with Good Reads a bit ago (Elizabeth started it ;) thanks!) and have been so bad about actually using it and keeping up...have big plans to do better soon! Promise!
Thus ends my disjointed post. :)

Reader Comments (2)
It was great to meet you! :)
You can also buy those necklaces from the artist's website (be careful, it's addicting!):
i joined good reads a while ago as well. and i have been horrible about keeping up with it as well. hmmm... :) and you're more than welcome to link my blog, if you want! we need to get together. it's been too long. maybe a trip to the treasure box is in order in april...