Would it bother you...

if I change the "title" of my blog here? Right now it's "Work in Progress" which was the best I could come up with that night I decided to start a blog. ;) I'm feelin' the need for some change, though. It won't affect the link to the blog or anything...just the title you see if you're a subscribed reader using like Google Reader or something. I'm not totally up on "blog etiquette," though, so thought I'd ask if this would bother folks before I just go ahead and change it. Course, I'll probably change it anyhow. But I figured I'd try to be polite. ;)
While I'm at it, does anyone have any good suggestions? I have a few ideas rolling around in my head but am always open to more!!

Reader Comments (8)
change away! this is your space!!!!
i've been tossing around the idea of starting a blog of my own [not so sure i can handle being so "public". hehe!] and coming up w/ a title & address has been the hardest part!
Of course we don't mind...change it to whatever you want. :) Not feeling very creative right now myself, so I have no suggestions. :0
How about "The Cute Review", or "Rich Blessings", or "Out of the Mouths". Love your REGULAR posts. We are quite addicted and more than 3 days without new postings causes withdrawal. One more: "The Precious Post". Okay, two more: "Boisterous Boys". Want some more? How about "Family Musings", or "Joy-Filled Times", or...
How about "The Cute Review", or "Rich Blessings", or "Out of the Mouths". Love your REGULAR posts. We are quite addicted and more than 3 days without new postings causes withdrawal. One more: "The Precious Post". Okay, two more: "Boisterous Boys". Want some more? How about "Family Musings", or "Joy-Filled Times", or...
Heck girlie! It's your space!! LOL Change away! good luck on the new title. I'm no good at those things. My own blog title really bites. LOL
Call it whatever you'd like - just keep posting to it. I check your blog daily! No suggestions - I know you'll come up with something fabulous!
I love your blog! Your kids crack me up! I'm with Marti...I know your creative juices will come up with something Fabulous!!!
Of course not! It will still be you posting, and that's why we come here :). Took me a few days before I found my title - I'm sure you will come up with something that makes you happy!