Mega overdue blog post...

Wow. I've been slacking. Sorry about that. :) On the plus side, the past 12 days have been fun-filled. Let's see...
To start back where I left off, the boys and I enjoyed our annual homeschool group Valentine's Day party. They decorated boxes, ran some relay races, ate some snacks, passed out Valentine's (quite the production with 25 some kids) and did some freeze really should have seen Micah and Asher dance! (Noah was too dignified to join in *laugh*.) Quite the sugar high for the day, by the way. (Let's just say that, ahem, someone neglected to put the candy out of reach <hanging my head here> and that, ahem, someone <named Micah> hasn't yet learned the lesson of moderation). ;) Here's Micah doing the relay race, assisted by Asher and one of the other adults:
The next day, my good friend Sarah flew in from Texas. After picking her up from the airport, we met up with two other friends who live here (well, a bit south of *here* but still close). The four of us have been friends for about 15 years (wow)...since undergrad. We then proceeded to spend a fabulous weekend together. We even managed a full day without kids and treated ourselves to some deserved girl time...window shopping, eating out and pedicures! Lots of talking and games and just good times before Sarah flew back out on Tuesday. Must remember, though, to take more pictures next time! Here's one we managed to get of all four of us...not the best, but that's what you get when you ask a stranger to help:
After Sarah left, we had a week...some recuperating from the busy weekend, some trying to figure out where to go from here. Yes, I'm being cryptic. It's okay. I know what I mean. :) In any case, we enjoyed a beautiful weekend as a family, savoring one of the first two day weekends Nathan's taken in ages. The weather even cooperated somewhat as we journeyed to a couple different parks. Here are some fun shots of the boys...Asher on the monkey bars:
Micah riding one of those little dinosaur rocking things (he's roaring at the dinosaur, by the way):
And Noah throwing rocks in the lake/pond (um, interesting "form", right?):
That pretty much brings us to today. The boys and I joined our homeschool group once again for an eagle watching outing. We were fortunate enough to see both adult and juvenile bald eagles just a couple miles from our house at one of the county's open areas. And, even though Micah was more often than not looking through the wrong end of his binoculars:
...we didn't need binoculars or the sighting scope to see the one that flew almost directly overhead at one point!
And thus ends my mega overdue blog post. :) I'll do better. Really!
Reader Comments (1)
It's about time! We were suffering from withdrawal symptoms. My all-time favorite is the picture of Micah from a few weeks ago with the adorable smile, orange shirt, and something orange in the background. That one should be on a billboard or something! Can you email it to me? I'd like a print of it.