Quick plea for ideas...

So, was just listening to the forecast and we're set for some more snow (nothing major, but snow nonetheless) and really cold temps for the next few days...including Monday when the boys are at Options...where I volunteer for lunch duty every week. Because of the nature of the program, lunch hour is overseen by parent volunteers. During that hour, kids eat and then head outside to play. I take the dozen or so kindergartners to the "smaller" playground and everyone else goes to the other side of the building (where the play equipment is a bit big for some of the kindergartners aside from the fact that this program covers kinder through high school, so there are some big kids...often older siblings so no real worries, but still). Anyhow. Thus far, this is how it's been.
But. Assuming the forecast is remotely right, it'll be like 10 degrees Monday (not counting windchill). I'm going to guess we'll be keeping kids inside. In the one gym where they eat. All together. Any good ideas on activities that can be played with such a range of ages in a confined space?
ETA: By the way, we're talking about maybe 50-80 kids in a big single room with no dividers. Yeah, it'll be loud. This I know. ;)

Reader Comments (3)
The joys of indoor recess, this year I have 1st Grade Duty for 20 mins at lunch...We go to the small gym when weather is bad, and I usually let some watch a movie, some play heads up, seven up..., and others red light green light.. some sit at a table and do coloring etc....not sure how yours is set up, google indoor recess games..You could make cards for soliders/nursing homes with such a wide range of ages....HTH
Is it a carpeted area? If it is then this may not work. The top game for the elementary kids at our mid-week church program is Snowball Fight. We give each table of kids a bag of jumbo marshmallows and on our "GO" they throw snowballs/marshmallows at each other with wild abandon. We have them trained very well to only start on our GO and stop when we say STOP. Everyone helps clean up the marshmallows when we're done...but it only works so well because we play in a room with a linoleum :-)
Board games, board games, and more board games!!!! Uno, Checkers, battleship, things like that that don't take long. Of course, you have to be willing to lose pieces and take turns. Group games like Hang-man and Thumbs-up 7-up are good ones too.
Love all the ornaments. I was thinking about how I have a bead candy-cane (as do the girls) and a sequin ball lik ethat yesterday, when I realized that I haven't seen that pink sequined ball in a few years. I wonder where it got too? Not the kind of ornament that gets 'lost' in a tree as it's exiting the house, but I can't think what else could have happened to it. Your boys will treasure those ornaments forever.