Five days later...

Oy. How'd it get to be Friday? It's been a busy week. Super quick recap...Christmas program at Options got rescheduled for January (due to illness and high absences)...boys and I spent more than necessary at a Scholastic Warehouse sale, but they're in love with the I Spy computer game we found...religious ed, music class and gym visits as usual...lots of errands...I finished up 5 layouts, 2 cards and 2 projects for a couple assignments (turned them in this morning, after having had basically two all nighters...yeah, I'm own fault for letting it get so close to the deadline, though)...finally found a pair of winter boots for me that I'm happy with (had still been using the non-waterproof, non-insulated ones I got in NC more than 8 years ago...that, incidentally, didn't really fit since my pre-kids shoes don't really)...printed out the 100 Christmas postcards I intend to send next week but still need to finish them up and address them and all...worked on some more gifts that I can't talk about here...and stuff like that. Yeah, busy.
Amid all that, the boys and I have continued with our countdown books, elf on a shelf, lego advent calendar, bedtime holiday book unwrapping and ornament making...daily. To catch you up (almost) on the ornaments...
On day 6, we did another shrinky dink ornament...this time with the boys' initials. I just drew the letter and let them decorate/color as desired.
On day 7, they "decorated" wooden numbers (with their ages) with glitter glue, paint and markers.
For day 8, we made little clothespin reindeer. I must add here that painting all those pieces took awhile, as the boys are notoriously slow painters since they abhor getting messy for some weird reason...picture them trying to paint all sides of a clothespin whilst not actually touching the clothespin, lol. Though he started it all (having been the "worst" about cleanliness when he was younger), Noah's actually been getting better and tried to show his brothers that it was okay to get messy...Micah, though, took this to mean that he should paint the table, which fortunately was covered with a tarp.
On day 9, we made little Christmas tree ornaments using some awesome little bead "kits" that Angie sent me after replying to my post earlier about ornament ideas.
And, on day 10, we made more snowflakes, this time with the cool wooden sticks Angie also sent along with paint and some glitter glue...thanks again, Angie!! Whew. Here are the shots...first, Micah's:
Next, here are Asher's:
And, of course, Noah's:
Okay, off I go to make today's ornaments now... ;) Oh, and for any scrapbookers who are wondering, these daily ornament projects are helping me finally make some progress on my ribbon stash, LOL! I have some ornaments planned that will use other supplies, too, but haven't gotten to those yet. Well, technically, the shrinky dink stuff is from my stash, but I hadn't used it in ages for scrapbook embellishments. :)
So, anyone have any fun weekend plans?

Reader Comments (2)
Aren't those Scholastic Warehouse sales awesome? So much to look at, and awesome deals...btw got your book (Thanks again) I sooooooooo love to find the time to create something from it ;-)
Have you ever made the cinnamon applesauce ornaments? You drain the applesauce and then add enough cinnamon to make a dough, roll them out and cut out with cookie cutters. Use a straw to put a hole at the top for hanging and let them dry. (You can put them in the oven at about 200 degrees for a while or air dry.) They smell wonderful.
Also Stacy from Simple Scrapbooks had a great Christmas chain idea using scrapbook paper strips - very cute.