Going on a leaf hunt...

The boys and I decided to take advantage of the sunshine yesterday and headed out on a "leaf hunt." I brought the wagon and our little kid rake, though of course Micah refused to ride in the wagon for more than half the walk and of course they all fought over the *one* rake I had. Sigh. But, it was heaps (and piles) of fun!
We ventured all around our neighborhood, walking to the common areas and raking up piles of leaves for the boys to jump in...and bury each other in...and roll in...and throw at each other. Of the 206 pictures I took, here are just a few:
Like I said, this is just a small sampling. Gotta save the really good ones for layouts! ;)
Oh, and remember how a couple weekends ago I was complaining about how Colorado hadn't figured out fall yet (as it was 85 degrees at the boys' soccer games)? Well, it figured it out. Last weekend's games were played in 40ish degree weather, complete with fleece pants and pullovers under jerseys. Then it rained for a bit (fortunately not until *after* the boys' games) and was fairly dreary and cold. So, yesterday, when the sun came out and it warmed up to about 60 we just knew we had to take these pictures. Good thing, too. It's overcast again today.
Do you have any fun "fall leaf" traditions? I'd love to start some more, though the boys seem pretty content with just playing in the leaves for now. :)

Reader Comments (2)
I am really sitting her singing your blog post title to the tune of "Going on a Berry Hunt". :D They boys look so happy with those leaves. We don't have any leaf tradition except to build them high, built it fast and jump 'feet first' right in. :P
love the pictures!