Who knew?

Okay, I'm totally supposed to be doing other things right now (Nathan has all the boys upstairs and I came down to my office to get some work done), but first I just have to show you something. Any of you who have known me awhile probably know I've had this off and on battle with biting my nails. Well, I found a solution! Look:
Yeah, they're not "real"...and it's not really a cost efficient solution...but look how pretty they are! ;) Backstory...I got my nails done for the very first time about a month ago when I flew out to Utah to film some CK instructional dvds (trust me, you did NOT want to see how my nails really looked). They were so cool I've been maintaining them...told myself just through the middle of June when I go to CKU, right? Until today, I'd just been having plain, boring clear polish. Then, the gal today shows me all these awesome airbrush designs they can do. Dude. I may be hooked. Even after I let these fake nails grow out, the airbrushing thing is so cool. I totally want one. :) Can't you just imagine how much fun that would be on my layouts? (Yeah, yeah...I can do this already using masks and ink...and I *do* sometimes...but a fun new toy never hurt anyone...hee hee.)

Reader Comments (3)
great nails amanda...i love the idea of false nails but cannot have them 'cos of work..hmpf...
sorry i missed your birthday..hope you had a lovely time and im guessing that a bit of summer reading will include the new harry potter??? our summer starts a bit later then yours i think, schools break 20th july. i think the potter book is out on the 19th or something!! YAY
beautiful! DH has one of those small airbrush things for his RC cars. LOL! never thought about using it though....
LOL! I've always been facinated with airbrushing and pinstripping car folks do. totally jealous as my nails look like crap right now.