Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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A monumental day and a night time routine...

A break-through! To date, despite his parroting of many, many other words, we've been unable to get Micah to say his own name. He's insisted on calling himself "Baby" when asked his name. (Before that, it was "Gob Gob" if you recall.) Tonight, totally out of the blue and with no prompting, he declared to me that he was not "Baby"...he was "Mike" and said so with gusto. Sigh. It's so adorable to hear, but also a little sad...he just keeps on growing up.

One other quick Micah story for the night...every night for the past couple weeks, he's delighted in going through this little routine before he sleeps. He must tell Nathan and I that "Asher's crazy" and "Noah's crazy" and "Mommy's crazy" and "Daddy's crazy" and "me, crazy"...though tonight, of course, it was "Mike's crazy."

Crazy kid. 




We took the boys bowling for their first time ever yesterday (and our first time in ages). Good times. A few things:

1. Why didn't they have these when I was a kid? (Or maybe they did and we just never bowled anywhere that had them?)


This handy ramp device is what made it all work for us. The boys were able to simply line it up (Noah was a bit particular about getting things just so) and push the ball down the lane. Micah, in particular, thought this was awesome (not that he bothered lining it up or even waiting for us to get the ball all the way set) and was so excited when the pins all went down (shouting "woohoo!" and raising his arms as if to indicate a touchdown).

2. Perhaps I should have used the ramp. The boys all handily beat me in both games we played. I won't go into details but let's just say that Micah had 3 strikes and 4 spares to my one. We could even say that his score in the second game was more than double mine in the first, and the other two boys were close behind Micah. In my defense, I was distracted by taking pictures and watching boys and wearing a skirt (yes, I should have changed, I know). 

3. Bowling alleys are *not* easy places to get decent pictures in. Don't you just hate that when you really want good pictures and the lighting conditions are just not working for you? Yes, I could have used the flash, but I don't think the people all around us would have appreciated that. ;)

All in all, a wonderful Saturday. Hope you're all enjoying your weekend also! 



Okay, this is one of those blog entries that might be considered questionable, but I'm rolling on the floor laughing here (literally) and simply must share.

Micah, ever continuing on his quest for knowledge, learned a new word today. He was sitting in his chair unbuttoning his shirt (for lack of anything better to do apparently) when suddenly he became very concerned. "OWWEEEE!" he yelled. I, of course, went running (I was just in the next room giving Noah a spelling test)...only to discover that the kid was not in any way injured. Here is a re-enactment of what I saw:


Guess he'd never really had cause to examine that particular area before. :) He thought he'd cut himself and had a scab or something, or maybe a weird bruise. Yup, new word for the day... NIPPLES. Seriously funny stuff.

(Incidentally, I'm realizing that the other two never did this...probably because they both always saw me nursing a younger brother so had had the various talks about body parts.) 


The power of words.

Okay, seriously, someone flipped a switch on my 2.5 year old recently and the kid is just high on the power of words. I know plenty of other toddlers who talk more at this age and all that, but the kid just makes me smile. He's so dang bossy now that he knows using the actual words gets results. It's like he'd just been storing them all up and suddenly decided to try using them instead of just pointing and whining. "Mommy, sit here. Play. Now," says he. How can you resist? Of course, we still can't get him to say his own name, though I suspect that's more just stubbornness on his part. He gets a kick out of saying "Baby!" instead and knows we want him to say "Micah." Maybe it's a power thing. ;)

In related Micah adorability, the kid is definitely mine. I casually asked him today "What should we do for dinner tonight?" His reply? "Eat." Duh. Nathan just laughed and told me it served me right. He often asks me "What should we eat?" and my reply is usually something like "food" or "something edible."  Guess that's what I get, eh?



Just for your information...watching ladies figure skating with a 2.5 year old...particularly a 2.5 year old who *thinks* he can skate like the people on tv and proceeds to try to show you all around the family room...is darn funny. Seriously. :)