First Day Pictures

Hooray! My beautiful younger sons both sent me first day of school pictures earlier today on their way to their first classes of the year.
Here's Asher this morning:
Asher's starting his second year at UNC and will have one more after this. He's still pretty happy with his major (Sport & Exercise Science: Physical Education K-12 Teaching), is the treasurer for the UNC PE Club, and is looking forward to another year with the UNC Taekwondo Club. He's living in the same dorm but with three new roommates.
And here's Micah around lunch time (his classes are all after noon):
Micah's starting his second year at CU Boulder. He's on track to finish his BA in Philosophy in May thanks to all of his college credits during high school. He's considering pursing his Masters after this, though, so it may not be his last year at CU. He's the vice-president of the CU Taekwondo Club, has already been out climbing with friends (and hopes to do more of that this year), and is enjoying living in his rental house with two taekwondo teammates.
So far, accounts from both boys are good. They enjoyed their first classes and seem excited about the semester. Here's to a fantastic year!

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