Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Thankful Thursday

Almost half way into June now...let me start by saying a great big thank you to all who wished me a happy birthday last week! As I'm now in my last year before the big 5-0, I'm so incredibly thankful...

1. For a shift in mindset. I realize that some may dread milestone birthdays but I find that I'm looking forward to mine next year. As I'm getting older and wiser, I realize more than ever that this life is a privilege, and I'm so grateful to be here. I'm finding myself less concerned about what others think and just continually thankful for this life I've created.

There have definitely been years where I've been down on myself about weight or appearance or whatever...I think we've all had those moments. Lately, though, I find that I'm genuinely more comfortable with myself and can focus on the progress and the positives. I can be glad for sore muscles because it means I'm working them. I can be proud of my climbing even when the routes aren't the more difficult ones because, hey, at least I'm climbing them.

Given all of that, I snapped this photo after boot camp on my birthday. I think I'm doing pretty well for 49. :) 

2. For beautiful peonies & other flowers. My peonies finally bloomed for my birthday! One of my three bushes really out-does itself every year (top left)...one seems to be comprised of different varieties, though I've had this plant for I think 10 years and it's not done this before (top right)...and one doesn't appear ready to bloom quite yet (apparently I may need to re-plant it less deep) (not pictured). I love peonies. They remind me of my childhood--we always had some growing around the yard and would cut them and make bouquets for Memorial Day visits to the cemetery.

Just after my birthday, I cut a bunch of the peonies that were falling over and made this very full bouquet (bottom left). (Turns out, it was a good thing I cut them when I did, as the skies opened up just after that, lol.) Next year, I must be more attentive and make bouquets sooner. :)

And the bottom right photo is of my monthly arrangement gifted to me by Nathan's parents for my birthday. I love that the flowers are locally sourced when possible and that the shop is woman founded, owned & operated. One of my local friends even grows some of the flowers for this shop!

3. For Percy Jackson. Back when we homeschooled, the Percy Jackson series was one of our favorites. After we finished reading that first series, we read pretty much everything else that Rick Riordan wrote. I loved the laughter and sharing that came from reading those together (sometimes altogether, aloud, and sometimes on our own and then talking about them). 

Recently, Asher started re-reading the books to fill some of his summer downtime. I love that. He's already finished twelve or thirteen of Riordan's books. (He's researched the best order to read the books and has a plan.) I'm also re-reading the books, but we agreed that I had to wait until he was well on his way through the books so that we wouldn't be fighting over a book, lol. I'm now on book three.

For my birthday, Asher got the two of us tickets to a Percy Jackson musical down in Denver at the Aurora Fox Arts Center. The seven person cast was simply amazing and we had a thoroughly good time! (Truly, the innovation and talent was fabulous!) To make it an even more enjoyable experience, we also got lunch and dessert at the Stanley Marketplace before the show and stopped at Buc-ee's for a snack on the way home. (Asher hadn't been to Buc-ee's yet, lol.)

4. For game nights. So, we've been doing weekly family nights this summer while all three boys are home right now. Sometimes we watch a movie; sometimes we play some games. For my birthday, Noah got me a new game...7Wonders. We've been having a lot of fun learning and playing it! I'm ever thankful that we enjoy playing games together and for the time together that it creates. (Noah also got me some lovely rum...and I'm thankful for having sons old enough to buy me alcohol, lol.)

5. For interesting neighbors. Earlier this week, I unintentionally spent almost three hours visiting with my neighbors. :) I'd gone over to ask a quick question and ended up having a great time and sharing some fascinating stories. (Seriously, there were so many stories! I learned heaps.) I'm so thankful for wonderful neighbors and for having the time to just visit with them. 

Okay, that's enough for now. I don't know about you, but it was pretty hot here today (high of 95 degrees)...which also makes me thankful for air conditioning. :) Here's hoping you're enjoying your summer so far!

(PS There will be more on my birthday gifts from Micah and Nathan later...after they happen.)

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