On Wednesday, we moved Asher to the University of Northern Colorado.
We loaded the last few things then Asher, Micah and I drove over to Greeley and spent the morning doing the official check in stuff and getting Asher's things moved into his dorm. He's in one of the newest dorms on campus...in a double, single, single suite. He has one of the single rooms and shares a common area and a bathroom with the other three.
His room is on the corner and has fun circular windows...which he's already outfitted with paper plate eyes. :) He's on the third floor. (And each floor has it's own lounge, kitchen and laundry room!) We made use of the elevators to move the large items (because even Micah didn't feel like lugging the mini fridge up the 40-some stairs, lol) but he's also right near a staircase, which I'm sure he'll mostly use. As luck would have it, move-in day was also one of the hottest we've had this year. Thankfully, the building has AC and it appears to work well. (Also, thankfully, Asher didn't really have much stuff and bringing Micah meant I had fewer trips carrying things, lol.)
After we got everything moved and assembled and arranged, we had lunch at the dining hall then drove home to move the standing desk (we hadn't been sure initially that it would fit). Then I got this picture before leaving my boy to go meet his hallmates while I headed home to numerous texts and calls about my gram and the services, shopping for a few last things Asher needs/wants, dealing with a small paperwork issue for Micah's medical records, and stuff like that.
Since then, Asher's been doing the move-in week things and getting ready to start at this new college. As a transfer student, he's finding it tricky when people ask what year he is...since credit-wise he's a junior (having graduated high school with his AS and having a year at the University of Nebraska Omaha also under his belt) but it's his first year in this program (Sport and Exercise Science: Physical Education K-12 Teaching) but (thanks to already having that AS) he'll finish the program in three years rather than four.
In any case, he went bowling last night with the Asian student group and apparently dominated at laser tag and says he met some cool people. He'll be back home tonight for karate demo team and then will head back to campus on Sunday in time for the involvement fair with all the groups and clubs on campus. Classes will start Monday. Yay!!

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