
So, I'm a few days behind here, but my Noah turned 23 on Thursday.
Thursday, itself, was a pretty quiet day. Noah took the day off from work and we just hung out at home...chatting and watching shows and such.
Saturday, with both brothers home for the weekend, we went out to dinner, grabbed desserts at Whole Foods and played new Jackbox games together.
It was a low-key but lovely evening. :)
Noah continues to live here and enjoy his colleagues at his banking job while looking for a job more in his field of study (mechanical engineering) now that he has more work experience under his belt. He continues to learn more about photography, hasn't been climbing as much lately and has hopes to do some traveling in the coming years.
Without much else new to report, I'll share this series of photos from June of 2002...when we lived back in Eugene and I was still pregnant with Asher. They're some of my favorite photos of my Noah...
These were taken in a field just off the walking path near our duplex. I love his intention and precision and delight...things he still displays to this day. :)
Happy birthday, my Noah! Here's to a 24th year of life filled with joy and adventure!

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