Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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Thankful Thursday

Happy Thursday, y'all! My list this week is somewhat random but sincere...

1. Public libraries. So, while we were homeschooling, obviously the library was our friend...for recreational reading, to supplement curriculum, to research random interests, etc. I'm not there as often these days so I sometimes forget what an awesome resource the library is. As someone who still reads a good deal "just because," I truly appreciate my local library! (Yes, even without the homeschooling, I regularly visit and use the library.)

2. Tour de Fat. So, for those who aren't local, Fort Collins has this event called Tour de Fat most every year (except the last couple). It's a costumed bicycle parade followed by a party at New Belgium Brewing with music, entertainment, contests and games. We've lived here in Fort Collins for 20 years now and had never been so we decided it was time. Um, wow. 

We went mostly just for the people watching, and we were not disappointed! Estimates are that there were about 20,000 people...most of them riding bikes in costumes. We saw numerous flamingos, Aladdin and Jasmine on skateboards decorated to look like magic carpets, Where's Waldo?, a music toting Darth Vader, plenty of pirates, and so much more. People rode bicycles, tandem bikes, tricycles, big wheels, specially constructed ginormous wheels, roller blades, unicycles and more. It was impressive. After the parade (which just loops around and people join as they want), people journeyed over to New Belgium for beer, food and entertainment. The number of bike racks was amazing.

All five of us people-watched aplenty, wandered the farmer's market and enjoyed lunch before venturing over to New Belgium. We didn't end up staying and drinking but are thankful we went so we finally know what it's all about. I wouldn't be surprised if you find us there next year... :) 

Here's Nathan and I at the entrance near New Belgium and then just a handful of photos from the parade:

3. Strong women. Nothing at all against the guys at boot camp, but I'm so blessed by the women of boot camp. On Monday, since we didn't meet over Zoom to workout given the holiday, four of us met up and went for a hike to Horsetooth Falls. It was a beautiful morning for it and we had a great time chatting along the way...

...and at the top of the (very dry right now) falls, we stopped to do a wall sit...which was part of the workout Tim sent us to do on our own. Some of us actually did the workout later...some of us maybe went climbing after the hike and called that good, lol. 

This same group plus one also met up last night for dinner and drinks and even more chatting. (Sad we didn't take a photo!) So thankful to have such fabulous, strong women in my life!

4. Nordstrom Rack. Mom, you'll appreciate this one. I have fond memories of back to school shopping trips to Seattle and to Nordstrom Rack...with my dad sitting outside waiting for us and grousing about how a pair of overalls and some flannels should be sufficient, lol. I don't think I've really been to a Nordstrom Rack since high school, though. That changed this past weekend when I took Noah to get some more dress clothes for work. (Tee shirts and jeans don't really cut it for working in a bank.) Thankful that we have one here in town, that I remembered that, and that Noah was able to find what he needed for lower prices than the other places we'd looked. I'm also thankful for the memories that are associated with the store in the first place. :)

And that's my list this week. Noah and Asher seem to be enjoying their jobs so far. Asher's getting a few extra hours this week since schools have been letting out early due to the extreme heat (it's been in the high 90s this week)...which means the YMCA after school program just runs longer those days.

Micah, unfortunately, had to quit his new job shortly after starting as we discovered that a full day of standing and lugging tires was not good for his arthritis. (He'd had the arthritis under control for more than a year, so the flare up took him by surprise and reminded us all of how thankful we are for his meds. Given that the flare up also involved joints he hadn't had issues with before, though, we decided that it wasn't worth it even if he'd been able to find a way to manage.) We're proud of him for getting the job in the first place and for recognizing that it wasn't going to be a good fit. He's decided to focus on college applications for a bit and keep his eye out for another opportunity that works better for him.

So, we continue to adjust to our new normal around here and are looking forward to some hopefully cooler weather. :)

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