
Yesterday my middle baby turned NINETEEN! During a summer of indecision, he didn't have any big requests so it was a pretty quiet celebration.
People slept in or worked and then we picked up Noah on our way to Old Town. We enjoyed lunch at The Exchange and had yummy ice cream. Then we continued appreciating the lovely weather and walked down to The Cupboard to browse a bit and buy some candy. Along the way, I made them take some pictures...
They're not the traditional height comparisons in front of our garage, but they'll do. :) Yes, they're all pretty close to the same height. (Technically, I'm fairly sure they're all within a couple inches...that Noah remains the tallest and Micah is still the shortest...and that they were wearing shoes of varying heights, lol.)
After that, unfortunately, we cut the afternoon short and took Noah back to his apartment, stopped by the bank, got gas, dropped Asher and Micah at home (so that Asher could drive Micah to work) and then drove down to Golden to look at a used car. That's a story for another post but, suffice it to say, it took up much of the rest of the day. We finally got home and Asher opened a few gifts. And then we pretty much crashed for the night. :(
Since I already talked about my boy back in May for graduation, I'll just direct you there for a recap of the past year. Still so incredibly proud of this guy and his perseverance. It's been a fairly quiet summer for him...enjoying a summer of no big responsibilities before starting college and internships and all that sort of stuff. He's gotten together with friends a few times, continues to play plenty of games on his computer, is happily back to going to karate a few times a week, and is slowly getting things ready for the fall and moving to Omaha.
Apologies to my Asher for a not very celebratory celebration! Hopefully we have made and will make up for it in other ways throughout the summer. I'm so looking forward to seeing what the coming year will bring for this boy of mine!

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