Happy Mother's Day

To all the moms...happy, happy Mother's Day! Here's a fitting quote I found:
There is no way to be a perfect mother and a million ways to be a good one. -Jill Churchill
So, thank you to all the good moms out there...past and present! Here are some of mine...
My awesome mom in May 1976 when I came to the United States from Korea and she became a mom:
Nathan's fabulous mom in August 1975 when Nathan was born and she became a mom:
My mom's mom in 1952 (my mom's on her lap):
My mom's stepmom in 1959 a bit after her marriage to my grandpa (my mom's third from the left):
My dad's mom with my oldest aunt (I think this was taken in the 1940s...my dad's mom died when my dad was five so I never knew her):
Nathan's mom's mom with her husband, his mom and their first four kids in May 1952 (Nathan's mom's the first on the left):
Nathan's dad's mom with her husband in 1940 (I couldn't find any of her with her kids when they were little):
And my godmother in 1976 when she became my godmother:
Very thankful for these women and the roles they've played in my life and my motherhood. Beyond those pictured, I also so appreciate my sisters, sisters in law, and friends. Moms rock!
Those who are no longer with us continue to touch our lives through their examples, accomplishments and love. Those who are currently part of our lives inspire, support and love. So many beautiful women...so many truly good moms.

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