Thankful Thursday

Thankful Thursday...random things I'm thankful for today...
1. Our local landfill. I'd never been there before, but a week or so ago Noah and I took our old sectional to the landfill. It was a bit of a chore but less work than breaking each piece down to fit in our trash can week by week. I'm thankful to have it out of the house relatively easily and quickly. (It was literally falling apart and taking up a good chunk of space in the basement.)
2. That Asher still sings while doing homework. Lately, it's been songs from Hamilton. :)
3. Finding good deals on some workout equipment. Since we've frozen my gym membership and I've been doing boot camp from home since March...and since Micah, and sometimes Nathan, has been also working out in the was nice to add a couple more pieces to our collection recently. I'm particularly thankful because certain pieces have become either very difficult to find in stock or very expensive during this pandemic.
4. Finally organizing our masks. Yeah. I'm anal like that. I'll own it, lol. But having all our masks just thrown in a box by the door was driving me a little crazy. So, I finally did something about it:
Yes, I labeled the pockets and everything. It was annoying having to sort through the masks to find the ones that fit my face (mixed in with the larger ones to accommodate Nathan's nose, lol). I also added the reminder sign on both doors leaving the house because it's not quite automatic yet.
(I'm debating whether to cut off those bottom pockets or wait and use them for things like gloves come winter...)
5. Prospector. Our local library participates in the Prospector program to borrow items from nearby libraries. It had been shut down earlier during the pandemic but has opened back up recently. I'm thankful for that because I love being able to access the larger pool of materials.
6. Throwback Thursday. I don't always remember that Thursdays can also be for throwbacks, but here's a sweet shot from 15 years ago...
Their eyes are shut because of the sun, lol. Aren't they adorable?! And look at all of Micah's hair and sideburns! (He was a few weeks old here.)
And that's my list for today. :)

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