Thankful Thursday

Happy June, y'all! Just some fun things I'm thankful for this week...
1. The tab on my drink during last week's date lunch. Because it made me smile. :)
2. Scones 2.0. Micah and I tried this scone recipe a month or so ago. It's gluten and sugar free. It didn't turn out well, lol. Last week we finally tried again...look how much better they turned out! The differences were that we didn't go the blueberry route (made the coffee flavored option instead)...we used a different (better) gluten free flour...and we used honey as the sugar substitute instead of coconut sugar. Yay!
3. Peonies. I always love when my peonies bloom! One of my bushes was abundant this year and escaping the cage I have to help. To solve the flopping blooms, I just cut them and brought them inside. Voila!
And just today I took these pictures of the flowers along our front walk:
The irises, peonies and lupine are beautiful right now!
4. Opening a bank account over the phone. So, I opened a joint checking account for Micah this week so that he'll have a debit card (because some places are not doing cash transactions these days and Micah's sometimes out on his own, biking to and from the park to workout). Not sure how our local bank was handling mask requirements and all, I called ahead to see what the procedure would be to open the account. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I could handle everything with the representative over the phone and via email. Sweet! (To be fair, it was made considerably easier by the fact that Micah already has a savings account at the bank...that I've done this before with both other boys...and that Micah actually had a CO state ID (given that he's under 16 so didn't have a license).)
5. Adulting lessons. Yesterday I began "adulting lessons" with the boys. I made a list of things to cover with them...things they should know before venturing out on their own, like financial stuff and how to do laundry and how to schedule a doctor's appointment. Honestly, they mostly know all the things on the list, as we've covered them during homeschooling and life. But. We have a summer full of time, and I figured we may as well intentionally cover them again to reinforce and check for holes. So. I told them to set aside a couple certain times each week where we'll sit down and go over stuff, and we started yesterday. We talked about insurance--what it is, how it works, what to expect, etc--and then ended up transitioning into some free discussion about political systems and current events...and it was actually really nice to have conversations with my young men as opposed to just instructing them. :)
Okay, I'm off for now. Oh, and in case you were wondering, I'm down to only two or three thousand more photos to scan, lol. (Sadly, I'm not even exaggerating. We have a LOT of photos.) I've actually made a lot of progress, though. I've scanned almost a thousand photos already in the past week. It's impressive.

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