Thankful Thursday

Ta da. I remembered this week, lol. So, without further ado, here are things I'm thankful for...
1. Our neighborhood. In case I haven't mentioned it lately, I really like where we live. Our neighborhood is terrific. We have fantastic neighbors. We can and do make use of our ample sidewalks and bike lanes and trails to walk and run. We have so very much within walking distance...a regular farmer's market (hooray for weekly fresh tamales during the summer!), numerous eateries, groceries, our doctors' offices, our bank, the boys' school, the archery range, the gym, parks, a hardware store and more. Yup. Good location. :)
2. The game of Life. During one of last week's lighter adulting sessions, we ended by playing a board game...Life. It wasn't really part of the lesson but was fun nonetheless. And, even though we think we could definitely make a more accurate game of life, it was entertaining to watch predictable tendencies play out. (For instance, despite Noah and Asher playing it safer and having more lucrative jobs, Micah managed to win by gambling and having kids. A lot.)
3. Our local library. Don't know about where you are, but our libraries aren't yet open to the public again. But. They've been doing curbside pickup for holds so I can still check things out online and they'll pull them and bring them down to a table in the doorway for me to pick up. (We call first from the parking lot then give them a few minutes to drop things at the table then walk over to pick up items...wearing masks and maintaining social distancing.) I appreciate still being able to make use of the library's many resources this way and have checked out numerous books and dvds lately.
4. Our community parks. So glad to live in a city with so many community parks. Nathan and I have been having our weekly date lunches in different parks around town...we pick up take out, go to a park and spread our blanket. Lovely! (Also, thankful that those parks have plentiful trees to provide shade on the particularly warm and sunny days, lol.)
5. Couples in our life. Thankful for the many couples in our life and the examples they set. In particular, my baby brother and his wife celebrate their 9th anniversary today...and Nathan's parents celebrate their 49th anniversary tomorrow. Happy, happy anniversary to both couples!!
Okay, I know there were other things I meant to mention today, but they're eluding me just now and I want to get back to the book I'm reading... ;) Hope the tail end of June finds you all healthy and happy!

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