Mother's Day

Hope you all had a lovely Mother's Day! We had a quiet day here...slept in, watched a beautiful video of photos that Asher made for me, wished people near and far a happy Mother's Day, tackled some normal weekend chores, enjoyed the lumpia that Nathan made for dinner (yum!), and played some games as a family. Amid all that, we also managed to FaceTime both our moms (hooray for technology!) and take some pictures out front:
(Yes, boys, I turned those last photos to black and white just to annoy you, lol.)
And, just for fun, check out this photo that was taken on Mother's Day 2015, when I realized that I should take a group photo every Mother's Day:
Look what a difference five years makes! (Micah and I were standing up a step from the other two.)
So. That was Mother's Day. :)
(PS Don't suppose we could put in a request to not have finals week and Mother's Day at the same time, lol? I'm realizing that since we starting having a boy in high school (six years ago), Mother's Day often gets overshadowed by schoolwork or school events since CEC and CSU both end early to mid-May. Bleh.)

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