Hi. I'm Amanda...a happy wife and mom to three awesome guys. We've lived here in Fort Collins for more than 20 years and are proud to call it home. Before moving to CO, I worked at a city attorney's office, making use of my law and Master's degrees from Duke. After settling in Fort Collins, I homeschooled my three (now teenage and older) sons and was delighted to experience music classes, soccer, karate, swim team, archery, Science Olympiad, First Lego League, parkour, and climbing (not all at the same time!). From 2005-10, I was also a contributing editor for a national scrapbooking magazine, authoring a book and a couple of monthly columns. From 2009-10, I founded and ran the Good Grief Blog. I enjoy learning new things, spending time with my family, volunteering with The Matthews House, traveling and indoor rock climbing.

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So. I was in Washington the last bit. You might remember that Micah and I traveled there last year about this time so my sister, Cassy, could accompany my brother-in-law on a business trip. Apparently, it's an annual business trip. This year, Micah's in school, so I went on my own. (Micah was missed! My little nephews asked where he was and wished he was there...and I definitely would have welcomed the extra eyes and hands, lol.) 

The day I arrived, my mom and gram drove over for the day and we all hung out while Cas was getting ready to leave early the next morning. I remembered, this year, to take some pictures!

Cas & Charlie flew out before sunrise the next morning, mom and gram headed home a few hours later, and then it was just my nephews and me. :) They're three and five and quite busy but we managed just fine. There was a lot of playing but the boys also had kindergarten and preschool. Monday happened to be picture day at kindergarten so I got Blaze all duded up and made sure to send Cas a shot so she could see that I sent him off looking good, lol. 

Here are some pictures over the course of everything...

Lots of playing...and there was a neighbor's birthday party...also some time out and about with Case while Blaze was in school...and time at the park after school every day. This is my favorite picture I got of them at the park:

And I tried to get a shot with all three of us...

...and got a little kindergarten girl (who was freakin' adorable and helpful) to take a picture of us at the playground while waiting for Blaze to go in to school. 

That was the last morning I was there. I got them to kindergarten and then preschool, did some stocking and tidying up and headed for the airport. Cas & Charlie's plane arrived as mine was boarding and that was that. :) Love my sweet nephews and thankful for the time with them...but also glad to get home to my teenagers, lol. Whew.  

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