
So. I was in Washington the last bit. You might remember that Micah and I traveled there last year about this time so my sister, Cassy, could accompany my brother-in-law on a business trip. Apparently, it's an annual business trip. This year, Micah's in school, so I went on my own. (Micah was missed! My little nephews asked where he was and wished he was there...and I definitely would have welcomed the extra eyes and hands, lol.)
The day I arrived, my mom and gram drove over for the day and we all hung out while Cas was getting ready to leave early the next morning. I remembered, this year, to take some pictures!
Cas & Charlie flew out before sunrise the next morning, mom and gram headed home a few hours later, and then it was just my nephews and me. :) They're three and five and quite busy but we managed just fine. There was a lot of playing but the boys also had kindergarten and preschool. Monday happened to be picture day at kindergarten so I got Blaze all duded up and made sure to send Cas a shot so she could see that I sent him off looking good, lol.
Here are some pictures over the course of everything...
Lots of playing...and there was a neighbor's birthday party...also some time out and about with Case while Blaze was in school...and time at the park after school every day. This is my favorite picture I got of them at the park:
And I tried to get a shot with all three of us...
...and got a little kindergarten girl (who was freakin' adorable and helpful) to take a picture of us at the playground while waiting for Blaze to go in to school.
That was the last morning I was there. I got them to kindergarten and then preschool, did some stocking and tidying up and headed for the airport. Cas & Charlie's plane arrived as mine was boarding and that was that. :) Love my sweet nephews and thankful for the time with them...but also glad to get home to my teenagers, lol. Whew.

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