Thankful Thursday

This week...
1. Neighborhood organized classes. Last week, Nathan and I attended a small class on AED assisted and hands free CPR. It was organized by our neighborhood and within walking distance (though we ended up driving given schedule issues). Nice reminder/refresher and we learned some new things, too!
2. Being ahead on holiday lists. I'm pretty organized. I know that. :) I'm a planner and tend to start on holiday to do lists early in the year. Yet, most years I somehow forget how much time each little thing takes and end up scrambling in December. So, given that I have more time than usual this year, I'm delighted that I know I'm ahead of schedule right now. I've finished or prepped most all of our gifts, know which cards I'll be ordering, and have a plan for when to mail what. I know that December will get busy...but I'm thankful at the moment that it feels more manageable than normal. :)
3. A full week off. I know I'm boys have always had a full week off for Thanksgiving. Sometimes, when homeschooling, heck...we took two weeks off, lol. Since starting at CEC, we've had to work with school schedules. So I'm very thankful that CEC has always had the full week of Thanksgiving off. Since CSU also takes the full week, it works out to a nice break all together. Yay!
4. Microwave popcorn. We've been eating a lot of popcorn lately. It's a decent gluten and sugar free snack. :)
5. Weather forecasts. Even though they're often wrong, lol, I appreciate weather forecasts. At least with them, yesterday's snow didn't take me by complete surprise...especially considering that the day before I was wearing sandals. ;) Thanks, Colorado, for keeping it interesting, lol.

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