Thankful Thursday

It's been a full week...plenty to be thankful for...
1. Reel Rock 14. Last Thursday night, Micah and I joined a bunch of other climber types at The Lyric for Reel Rock 14. It was a first for us, but apparently it's an annual thing and was pretty dang awesome. There were a couple of short documentaries/films, a preview for another and then the feature show. Before the feature, there was an intermission with fun giveaways by sponsors and the local climbing gym. (We didn't win anything but they were great prizes and people all around us won stuff.) The shows were all fabulous and we had such a good time! (Also, it was cool that we actually recognized a number of people from Ascent, where we climb. It was also helpful that we'd already seen the movies "Free Solo" and "Dawn Wall" so were familiar with the climbers featured.)
2. Micah's advising appointment. Last Friday, Micah had his advising appointment for spring semester. He's all signed up for classes, his schedule mostly works with Asher's, and it's lovely to have all three boys' schedules set. :)
3. Campus visit. On Saturday, we drove up to Laramie for Asher's first college visit. The University of Wyoming's Saturday Showcase was well organized and informative. We did the tours with the College of Engineering and had a good time learning about the different program offerings and seeing the new facilities they have. We also got to tour dorm rooms and eat in the dining hall. :) The weather was gorgeous, too...just an all around great day!
(Notice how I'm not all freaking out about starting looking at colleges again? ;) Really, this is just the start for Asher and I'm truly looking forward to seeing where his process takes us.)
4. Date night. After we got home from Wyoming, Nathan and I went to Candlelight Theater for date night. We watched The Hunchback of Notre Dame (fabulous music, singing and sets!). Previously, we had season tickets to The Midtown Arts Center in Fort Collins for our dinner and a show date nights and really enjoyed that. Midtown closed at the end of last season, though, so we switched over to Candlelight Theater season tickets. One of the things we miss about Midtown (aside from the much shorter drive, lol) is the two person tables. We'd always book our tickets for a two person table down front. At Candlelight, though, the tables down front are four person tables. This show was the first time we ended up at a table with strangers, and it was surprisingly nice. We met two lovely ladies and had a great conversation. One of them even introduced me to a cocktail called the Colorado Bulldog that was quite yummy. :) Thankful for pre-scheduled date nights like this!
5. Team Ascent. So. Micah's been doing the Arborists program/classes at Ascent since the start of this school year. It was two nights a week and was with an instructor he knew, who would give Micah additional challenges to work on. Before signing up, we'd discussed trying out for Team Ascent instead (the climbing gym's competitive climbing team)...and Micah had even been approached and encouraged to try out by the coach during the summer...but ultimately decided to do Arborists since we weren't sure about the time commitment on top of also experiencing public school and high school for the first time.
So, Arborists was going fine (and he had a couple friends sign up, too). But that instructor took a new job last month and Micah was getting a little antsy. He was looking for more of a challenge...wanted to climb with people better than him instead of being one of the top climbers in the class. And, turns out that he's handling the workload of high school just fine. :)
Given all that, then, Micah decided to ask permission to tryout for Team Ascent, knowing that they generally only do tryouts at the start of terms. After making his case, the coach agreed to conduct a tryout...not wanting to discourage climbing progression and enthusiasm. We went in on Monday and he spent about 90 minutes going through climbing and fitness tests. He did great and was offered a spot on the development team, which was what he was hoping for. He started climbing with them Tuesday and is so excited.
Being part of Team Ascent means that he now practices three times a week with the seven hours now instead of the four hours a week he was doing with Arborists. (And he still goes in on his own to climb, too.) He's also now signed up to compete in a local competition down in Colorado Springs this weekend. We're still sorting out what this all means but are happy that he's happy. :)
6. Submitting insurance claim paperwork. Just a little note that yesterday I was finally able to finish submitting stuff for that homeowners claim from the July hail storm. Whew. (Course, now we're in a waiting game for the auto insurance regarding the boys being rear-ended last week...)
Okey-dokey. Hope your week is going well!

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