Thankful Thursday

Yup, it's late in the day, but it's still Thursday, lol. So, aside from my awesome girls' weekend...and here's one more picture just because... are five quick things I'm thankful for right now...
1. Date nights. When the boys were younger, we didn't manage date nights very often (though we did have a lovely neighbor who volunteered to watch them once a month or so to let us go out...which we didn't take advantage of often enough, lol). Now that they're older, though, we've been doing a pretty good job of making time for us once a week. Sometimes it's dinner and a movie...sometimes it's shopping together...sometimes it's a play and dinner...sometimes it's just to go for a drive. Regardless, it's the time together that's important along with the fact that we make it a priority. Yay, us!
2. Neighbors. Speaking of neighbors, I love that we know ours. We still live next door to that lovely neighbor and the boys still know that theirs is a safe house to go to in emergencies. Our neighborhood organizes events like summer get to know you gatherings and classes on using fire extinguishers and how to do CPR and the ins and outs of xeriscaping. I say hi to people on the way to get the mail and know that my neighbors will bring my mail to me if misdelivered. Yup. Just generally very happy with my neighbors and our neighborhood. :)
3. The fact that our boys are older. While Nathan was in London last weekish, I was reminded of how glad I am that boys are older now. It was so much easier holding down the fort on my own with mostly self-sufficient kids rather than having to mind small beings, lol. Of course I love babies and toddlers (and am happy to watch them for my friends and family!)...but I'm pretty dang good with having three teenagers right now.
4. Fort Collins. I had another Climate Action Plan Community Advisory Committee meeting today and again came away just so happy to live in Fort Collins. It's not perfect, obviously, but I so appreciate the work the city is doing to strive for improvement...the level of dedication and planning and consideration.
5. Heated seats. Because sometimes it's chilly. ;)

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