Fly Fishing Camp

Not sure how it got to be August already and definitely not ready for summer to be almost over. (Asher's high school classes start this week, our homeschooling year will start next week and Noah moves into his dorm next week with classes starting the week after that.)
Before it gets all school-y, though, I wanted to share some pictures from the day camp Asher attended last week. It was the Rocky Mountain Flycasters fly fishing day camp...six days of fly fishing, fly tying, and other fishing related activities and lessons. Asher went with a good friend...
One of the mornings, the 15 boys spent time at a couple of different fish hatcheries:
They also spent an afternoon doing a restoration project, helping to clear a trail:
And they got to help with some electro-shock collection and classification of fish:
(Asher enjoyed this part along with the time they got to spend snorkeling in the river.)
From my understanding, whenever the boys actually fished (which was pretty much every day), they each had a volunteer mentor to help them out. Here's Asher with his on one of the days:
And then they each received a certificate during their "graduation" ceremony up at Estes Park:
And now my boy has a lot more experience with fishing...and with day camps. :) And Micah got a taste of what days with Asher gone will be like. (Micah's not a fan, lol, as he and Asher spend most of their time together and Micah's already miffed about Noah leaving for college. Fortunately, Asher's only taking a few classes at CEC this coming year so will only be gone part of the afternoon and not all day.)

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