Karate Family

Yesterday, we helped celebrate Karate West's 40th anniversary. They had classes and sparring and a kick-a-thon along with the promotion of 12 black belts...3 to second degree black belt, 3 to third degree black belt and 6 to fourth degree black belt. As part of the demo team, Asher and Micah were there to perform and help out.
In addition to all that, plenty of past Karate West members and instructors and demo team members showed up to celebrate, too.
And, that, friends, is what it was all about. :)
We love Karate West. In the eight years we've been going, Asher and Micah have learned plenty of martial arts techniques, forms, and self defense...and that's terrific. But, more importantly, they're learning to be better people...embracing the principles of the black belt as taught in every class: humility, courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self control, and indomitable spirit. I can't tell you how often over the years I've either caught one of them talking themselves through something in terms of karate (for example, Micah learning to ride his bike by telling himself that Mr Yee said perseverance was importance) or found myself using the principles as leverage (asking "what would Mrs Yee think?"). Often, I remind them of the Karate West motto: Attitude is everything! And the cool thing is...it works! It's not just words, and the boys take it to heart and know exactly what I mean.
Beyond all of that (which is already awesomely a lot), being part of Karate West is being part of a family. Through karate, my boys have made fabulous friends. It's where they feel at home and comfortable enough to truly be themselves. It's where they've found confidants and role models.
Given that, amid the MANY pictures I took yesterday, this is one of my absolute favorites:
This is Asher and MJ and Alex and Micah.
And this is Micah and MJ back in July of 2012. (Micah was almost 7 and had been at Karate West a little over two years.) MJ was one of the boys' favorite instructors when they started but left Karate West that summer to go to New York. (This water fight/picnic was actually a going away party.) He's now in Seattle but continues to keep in touch with Karate West and shows up when he can.
And this is ten year old Asher on the shoulders of Mike and Alex back in October of 2012 (about half a year after Asher first joined the demo team, about two and a half years from when he'd started at Karate West). As best as I can remember, this was the last fall Alex was officially on the demo team full time before heading off to college and life, though he'd join back in when he could.
And the reason I share these photos...the reason that first one is one of my favorites...is that it demonstrates just how strong this Karate West family is. MJ and Alex have been mostly away for six years but came back to help celebrate the anniversary. My guys haven't seen them in that long but very much remember them and were seriously stoked to have the chance to perform with them again. (Anyone who had been on the demo team in the past was invited to join in for the performances during the promotion. And my guys managed to talk them into doing a couple more routines after everything was over, just for fun.) And MJ & Alex were just as happy to see my boys and take this picture.
Happy 40th Anniversary, Karate West! and THANK YOU!

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