Four days to go

With Noah's graduation ceremony less than four full days away, I figured I'd share his announcements before it gets crazy here. So. Somewhat predictably, Noah was not a fan of official senior portraits or the Class of 2018 graduation announcements available through the school. :) We compromised with me (and Nathan) taking some photos of him and printing our own announcements through online services.
You can click on it to make it bigger. If you still can't read it, it says:
We are proud to announce the graduation of NOAH DURHAM PROBST from Colorado Early Colleges High School Monday, May 14th.
Noah will graduate with his Associate of Science with a Designation in Mathematics from Front Range Community College, with an Endorsed Diploma through the State of Colorado (identifying students who have gone beyond the basic high school graduation requirements), and Summa Cum Laude.
He will be attending Colorado State University in the fall, where he will be in the Honors Program and intends to major in Mechanical Engineering.
And this picture was my personal favorite, though not Noah's. We ended up doing a couple different "photo shoots" a couple months apart...both at the CEC building (the building where Noah started high school...he ended up taking most of his classes over at the Front Range Community College campus and the high school, itself, ended up relocating just a short distance away, but these were shot at the building he started at...which is just a short walk from our house).
So. That's that. :)

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