
My sister, Cas, flew Micah and I out to Washington state last week to stay with my sweet nephews while she went on a business trip with her husband. We were there almost six days and kept plenty busy. :) We played at home, visited the trampoline park, took boys to their ninja class, took boys to their preschool classes, did some shopping, and played at a park...
Micah was such a great help! Having two sets of eyes and hands definitely made a difference; my nephews are 2 and 4 years old and significantly busier than any of mine ever were, lol. Fortunately, the boys love their cousin (and vice versa).
I'm totally kicking myself because we didn't get pictures with my mom (she drove up for an evening at the start) and didn't manage more with Blaze (the older of the two) since getting him to stand still wasn't easy, lol.
On Wednesday, Cassy got home and we enjoyed some time outside (since it was the nicest weather we'd had the whole time; fall is definitely here!). Kicking myself, too, for not getting pictures of Micah pulling the boys down the yard/hill in sleds. Oh well. You'll just have to imagine their delight. :)
And on Thursday, after getting boys to their respective preschool classes, Micah and I flew home. :) Asher and Nathan met us at the airport and (after getting a little help from parking services since the keys got locked in the van, lol) we grabbed dinner, got Asher to parkour, and finally made it home. Whew.

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